Sweet Christmas Dream



Settle Down
Shred Of Autumn
Tragi-Comic Girl
Everybody Knows
Caught In The Monotony
Teenage Years
Fallen Angels
People Move On
God Knows Why
Early Morning Flight
A Thousand Harmonies
Voyage (To The Centre of Your Heart)



Aphone De La Nuit
Dans Mon Jardin
Aussi Tragique Que L’Enfer
Sale Matin
Un Monde Egocentré
Panne Sèche



World Gone Daft
466 64
Force Feeding
Politics & Religions
Nature on the Run
Media Stupid Fella
The Show is Over


Sweet Christmas Dream

The more you think about it
The more you’ll learn I’ll love you all the way
It’s Christmas time, a feeling
We all belong
There’s something in the air
The fireplace is lit
Your love is all I need to make me better
Lights filling up the room from
Ground to walls
Let angels be with us

And in the night we run
Through Christmas trees
Snow and infinity
And in the night we run
Our two most precious beings laughing in the wind
Oh please keep whispering these words in my ear

And when we think about it
Love and luck are all we have to trust
There’s not a single minute
I’d want to trade
There’s nothing to give up
Feel that cold breeze coming in
Stars all shine from heaven to dear earth
My dreams once vain and empty
Finally filled with everlasting bliss

And in the night we run
Through Christmas trees
Snow and infinity
And in the night we run
Our two most precious beings laughing in the wind
Oh please keep whispering these words in my ear

Sweet Christmas dream
Red colours to sky-blue
Sweet Christmas dream
Green colours to sky-blue




Aphone De La Nuit

Chavirer tes à priori
Je ne sais plus qui
Me parlait de ta vie
Nos conversations de minuit
A la rhétorique
Imbibée de balbutiements
Imprégnées d’haleine à te faire fuir
Ne sont plus qu’un vieux souvenir

Limiter la casse aux verres
Ainsi contredire
La violence du pacifique
Jaunis d’anis teint livide
La cacophonie
Me rend sick
Sortons du bar pour s’asseoir
Au bruit des mécaniques
Qui roulent là où d’autres s’agitent

Aligner nos idéaux sans autre motif
Que de parler pour ne rien dire
Vociférer des insultes me semble inutile
Le silence est souvent plus lourd de conséquence
Qu’un simple mot dit à humeur aigrie

Aphone de la nuit



Emilie s’embellit met du fard aux joues
Pour se rendre à vélo chez ses amis
Tenue correcte exigée
La soirée bat de l’aile
Besoin d’une présence supplémentaire
Manque d’alcool, de fille
De meneuse, de charme, de boute en train
Emilie n’a que faire de ces paumés
Q’elle a largués, qui la narguaient
Tous ces amis surestimés qui la fatiguaient
Emilie en réponse aux sarcasmes de ses anciens amis
Se contentait de sourire
Puis plus tard de leur pourrir la tête
Avec des mots bien sentis
Pour n’en garder que des photos jaunies par la nicotine

Emilie enfourche son tricycle
Prend garde à ne pas salir
Ses jambes fraîchement soulagées
D’un duvet de trois étés
Le cambouis sur sa robe ternirait son image
De petite fille sage et propre sur elle
Dont ses nouveaux amis se félicitent
Ce soir sera peut-être son soir de gloire
Celui où son prince imaginaire passera l’embrasser sur la bouche
Il s’approchera d’elle une canette à la main
Lui parlera tout bas
Elle ne comprendra pas un traître mot à son verbiage
Se réveillera au matin
Défardée, un sot pour copain

Emilie s’enlaidit, s’interdit la colère
Qui Lui va si mal au teint
Lui défigure son air hautain
Son vélo déraillé
Elle ne peut que rebrousser chemin
Ou salir ses mains stopper un train
Quelques pleurs sur son fond de teint
Emilie semblait ne pas vouloir pointer le bout de son nez
A cette affreuse et ténébreuse soirée
Où personne ne riait
On lui avait pourtant bien promis
Qu’elle devait se radiner
Dans sa robe étriquée
Qu’il lui suffirait de s’avancer
Lui parler doucement, lui proposer un verre pour oublier
Ne surtout pas lui rire au nez
Qu’elle n’a finalement pas pointé


Dans Mon Jardin

A l’abris des regards indiscrets
Comment taire
Les cris du dedans se réveillent
Un rien sourcilleuse, exaspérée
Elle s’enferme
Dans un mutisme étonnant de verve

Eté comme hiver
L’équilibre au goût duquel
Je savoure amèrement mes défaites
La même histoire
Et puis retomber pour toujours
Ecouter les rumeurs qui accourent

La preuve n’est plus affaire de doute
Ni d’éloignement
Je coupe
A travers l’étendue déserte
Dans mon jardin me ressource



Si la variété me découpe en refrains
Je chanterai mélodies en boucles sans refrain
Si dans le succès je perdais mon latin
Que la vanité de plein front m’ait atteinte

Silence au soleil
Lunettes noires demi-teintes
Mon nom est Michaël et ma peau n’a plus de teint
Quand le star-system m’engloutit jusqu’aux mains
Je les gante et change de coiffure à mesure hautain


Aussi Tragique Que L’Enfer

Si libre est la folie
Je la prends pour ami
Juste pour l’essayer
A trop rester poli
A se liquéfier
Transparent par ennui par sécurité

Contemplé la relique
L’âne ébouriffé
La voir qui me reluque
De la tête aux pieds
Me rendrait nostalgique
Par sécurité
Mais tu n’es plus magique
De la tête aux pieds

Rien n’est aussi tragique
Mais pourquoi se taire
Rien n’est aussi tragique que l’enfer

Sublime dans sa logique
A déconcerter
Son arme favorite est
L’esquive, la fuite, rétorquer en ondées
Le cadre est si rigide
Comment s’évader
L’esprit si différent des normes
Etablir un seuil à ses propres idées

Rien n’est aussi tragique
Mais pourquoi se taire
Par peur de l’éclectisme
De pouvoir manquer d’air
Ton aplomb me terrorise
Tes théories sous verre
Semblent écarter tout espace pour nos rêves


Sale Matin

Un seul matin
Suffirait haut la main
A mon ordinaire étranger
Au plus malin
A l’ersatz de sous-fade
Au crétinisme et au delà
Je répondrai fièrement qu’il n’y a
Rien de plus abrutissant
Que d’élever ses abats au clair de jour
Les exhiber tour à tour

Plutôt content
Satisfait, sûr de soi
Plus sobrement
La mine au bout des doigts

Mon seul dessein
Est de prendre dans mes mains
L’ordinaire et le changer
En or si fin
Qu’aucun autre ne pourrait
L’affiner sans s’y brûler
Mais Sale Matin
Mes excès ont déteint
Sur mes actes et mes pensées
J’élève mon corps lourd au clair de jour
Pour l’exhiber tour à tour

Plutôt content
Satisfait, sûr de moi
Plus sobrement
La mine au bout des doigts
Désespérant d’ouvrir les yeux au miroir
En plein élan
Trébucher face au départ

Du coup, je me recouche


Un Monde Egocentré

Rejoins-moi dans un monde égocentré
Où il n’y aura de place que pour moi
Fais-toi minuscule
Ma grandeur ne supporterait pas
De rivale à ses côtés

Ecoute donc ce singe désopilant
Je suis un monstre égoïste et sournois
Tu le sais bien
Ecoute donc la musique aux mille harmonies
Inachevée par effroi
Ma paresse est colossale



Docile à souhait
Je me nargue en privé
La quiétude pour contrebalancer
Les réflexions acerbes
Que très souvent me servent
Des personnes bien intentionnées

Ma bulle est éclatée
Je me sens libéré
Ma bulle est éclatée
Je me sens libéré

D’une éducation trop serrée
Qui a bien failli m’étrangler
D’une éducation trop serrée
Qui a bien faillie

La lune et ses frasques
Ne me regardent plus
Dos à dos glissons sur la dune
Prenons vers le Sud
Traînons sans d’autre but
Que de perdre toute notion d’habitude

Ma bulle est éclatée
Je me sens libéré
Ma bulle est éclatée
Je me sens libéré

D’une éducation trop serrée
Qui a bien failli m’étrangler
D’une éducation trop serrée
Qui a bien failli m’étrangler


Panne Sèche

Roulons jusqu’au petit jour sur la plaine
Jusqu’aux neiges éternelles
Dans les lacets je me couche sur ma reine
J’ai oublié mon sceptre

Un certain romantisme rôde autour de nos corps
S’échappe de nos pores
Nous allons toucher le ciel
Toucher l’éternel
Aller à l’essentiel

La ballade a vite tourné court
Une panne sèche
Nous a pris en traître
Un certain mimétisme de geste nous agite
‘Elle est encore loin la plaine?’





Settle Down

In June
When the twilight meets the sky
I will feel you by my side
And noone else can push you out
In the dead of night
When it’s quietest
A sweet voice in my head urges me to settle down

In my cranium and in your heart
There are no more doubts
And the rain is well outside won’t bring us down
Is it true what they say
That there’s nothing to expect
From life except a long and weary sigh

And although it’s getting hard to tell
What is real and what is ordinary spell
I will stand in line
As long as it takes you to notice me around
I will intertwine
The threads of love and hate and make you mine
Til you follow me around and we both settle down

We were standing in the light
Eyes closed all smiles
A lifetime spent doing nothing and feeling fine
While the universe keeps spinning round
We’ll hold tight
To each other and leave the race behind

And although it’s getting hard to tell
What is real and what is ordinary spell
I will stand in line
As long as it takes you to notice me around
I will intertwine
The threads of love and hate and make you mine
Til you follow me around and we both settle down


Shred of Autumn

I was walking down paths in the country years ago
Spending useless days there just to cure my heartache
When I saw by the woods
The face of a promenader like me
How could she look so happy
When everything was bad and grey down there

Saw you smiling I need you
Just to put faith in my hardest days
If you wanna help me don’t be cruel
Just listen to every work I’ll say

Everything’s fine now I’ve met you
Down by the river near the poplars
Autumn was so close
We almost touched the fresh water slightly glinting

I really tried to hide
The weight of my past behind my smiles
But she soon went noticing
The way I kept my eyes down to the ground

Saw you smiling I need you
Just to put faith in my hardest days
If you wanna help me don’t be cruel
Just listen to every work I’ll say

It’s my desire
This shred of autumn is mine


Tragi-Comic Girl

Stacy’s got a lovely concern
About the way this world is going blind and sore
But still she’s got to earn her money
She’s not mother Theresa, nor a saint after all
She’d like to go to a village in Africa
To help all those children grow
But still she doesn’t have the guts to leave her comfort behind
Must be her father’s great fault

She says, Nothing’s pretty, Nothing’s worth me
Nothing’s really good, just saddening
Nothing’s pretty, Nothing’s worth me
Nothing’s really new
But she cannot move

Now Stacy’s got a brand new idea
About the way to conduct Little life she suffers
She’ll be a liberated woman
Please excuse me for asking ‘liberated of what?’
Her eyes were filled with pretence and sorrow
That came from an awful song
So here’s one for the tragi-comic girl
Who tries to remember when I started to let go of her

She says, Nothing’s pretty, Nothing’s worth me
Nothing’s really good, just saddening
Nothing’s pretty, Nothing’s worth me
Nothing’s really new
But she cannot move


Everybody Knows

Everybody knows
It’s the good old theme
Love won’t find you if you hide behind sweet delusions
She’s off the record trapped into her memories
And everyone is talking about her deep confusion

Don’t let anybody know of this aching wring
Don’t show your pain to anyone
Don’t let dreams turn you away from what’s real
She’s painting lesions on her walls that never heal
Still everyone is talking about
How blue and amusing she is

There’s a ship wreck going on there
A closing snare to the lonely
Let your tears shed it will vansih
Then close your eyes and I will show you a way
To never unveil your heart to anyone around you
It’s a game

Let everybody know there’s no cruelty
Just indecision of the soul
And the pretty vision of an angel
When she’s smiling back at you
All clouds get cleared
You give it time but it’s wearing you out
She’s so pure and precious

There’s a ship wreck going on there
A closing snare to the lonely
Let your tears shed it will vansih
Then close your eyes and I will show you a way
To never unveil your heart to anyone around you
It’s a game


Caught in the Monotony

We were young and bored, swore we’d never get old
Before we’d lived to the fullest
Now look what time has done to us
These motionless journeys are using and straining me
Now it takes a fool to believe we could make it through

We were planning to make our way out of the ordinary
To take the sideroads
Keep our spirits high and free
Now all we have is agony, a clearly defined territory
And I’m dying here, slowly and silently

Pass the test of love and hate
Forgive me if I fail to see through monotony
What our love once meant to me

Now your beauty’s not enough to cover up for the mischiefs
Let’s take a step back
If only I could overturn your will
I’ll pledge to deny it, act as if this was meant to be
But how can I do this when all I feel is fallacy

Pass the test of love and hate
Forgive me if I fail to see through monotony
What our love once meant to me


Teenage Years

When I was a teenage boy out of luck and out of love
I didn’t care about much else than the wearing of my hair
Then I grew up to be more a daily lover without love
Found a girl to share my views
Left her stranded with no clue

It’s funny how you grow and look for a life
With kids, a house and loving wife
When all that really mattered when you were younger
Was question everything you were taught as a child

When I was a pseudo poet turning rhymes in pompous pamphlets
I would set my sould ablaze to watch its temperamental sways
Then I withdrew from this world in an attempt to make myself heard
All I gained was a sense of fear and a relentless career

It’s funny how you grow and look for a life
With kids, a house and loving wife
When all that really mattered when you were younger
Was question everything you were taught as a child


Fallen Angels

There’s a place where I’m going
Climb up on board
Leave your life and sorrows all behind
And breathe like you were reborn
Leave your dead flame on a high
The one you thought lost is back and blissfull
Ready to take you home, the place where you belong

It’s been a twisted journey to the end of this long road
Eluding mirrors and sandstorms in vain
Delusional crowns of thorns

Like fallen angels bound for redemption
Time’s unfrozen, let it flow back again
And meet where we belonged
It’s a place where we feel fervour and warmth
Where the sun is up and shining through
Our estranged brittle souls



Me gustaria sentir real alegria
Me gustaria sentir real alegria
Con reticencia yo me move en la vida
Con reticencia yo me move en la vida

Detras de las blancas nuves me pierdo
Cuando el segador sol apunta me oculto
Me gustaria escuchar tu voz en susuro
Apaciguandome con caricias y seguros

Revolver meditar
Contemplar la onda que se cambia
Revolver meditar
Disconectar su cabeza
Y se cerrar a todos
Por un minuto
Una segunda
Una eternidad


People Move On

Sunday morning feeling sick
Or lonely, stuck in after blues
Still noone to help me through
There’s a girl out there
Who holds the key to my own gloom
But is as silent as a tomb

People move on
Well I don’t

Flee a million miles from home
Where there’s noone left to know you
Is there relief in solitude?
Strike a match to see through the darkness
Breathe deep, feel the altitude
Stride along to new adventures

People move on
Well I don’t

Is everything so different
When you’re finally far from here
I guess that’s all you have to believe in
Would the stars begin
A realignment with the moon
I guess I’ll have to believe it too

People move on
Well I don’t
People move on
Maybe I will too soon


God Knows Why

I was happy with my life for the first time
When I put the book back on its shelf
When I closed in a nervous gesture
The saddest story ever written
Then I took the road to Salem
You were begging on your knees for me to go away
You were right when you said we were not together anymore
I slowly peeled the fruit, cactus uncovered
I wiped the chaos out of my mind
You were right I’ve always wanted
What I never could have
I took the bus to the other side of town
And now I swear I will never come back

I was praying for the first time
That you’d come back
God knows why

My travel finally made sense
As soon as I was far away enough from my friends
As soon as I could forget everyone and everything
And all the people in my mind
But I’ve been waiting for a sign
Now I know where the answer lies
Now I know there’s no use
Trying to keep up what’s going down
Took me years to realise

I was praying for the first time
That you’d come back
God knows why
And I know why


Early Morning Flight

Feeling the weight of time
Upon my shoulders and mind
Woke up early this morning
To catch a plain to the countryside
Get in the car and drive
The same old lonely ride
Trying to stop my mind
From roaming around in the dark

Is it detention or exile
Feeling no excitement or bile
Just another pointless drive
With shadows appearing in the night
Voices in my head go quiet
For the first time in a while
What if I just closed my eyes
Deaf and blind to the world around me

It’s okay, it’s okay
The sun will rise
On the same old lonely day
It’s okay
Sleep tight for now
Close your eyes and slip away

Another early morning flight
Above the clouds
Rising sun in my eyes
Now here is the countryside
My friends are all there in the morning light
I guess I’ll survive


A Thousand Harmonies

Windy day on the bay
The waves all break noisily
Windy day, I don’t care
There’s no need to worry
Wendy said she decided
To wait until next summer
Should arrive but I’m not sure
I won’t lose my patience

I don’t have any feeling
For the beauty of nature
When I walk I don’t notice
The landscape around me
Wendy says I’m narrow minded
I should hold up my head
Pay attention to the bird
Who sing songs of departure

But it’s only a question of personal feeling
I can ackowledge the charms of natural healing

You can leave a trace on the beach
But water is stronger than us
All you’ll get is disappointment
To see we’re nothing ‘round here
Just a drop in a sea
Of love and fury
Wendy says it’s harmony
She needs some more
I need some rest

But it’s only a question of personal feeling
I can ackowledge the charms of natural healing
I awoke suddenly
I heard an engine running
You weren’t there anymore
Certainly sick of my arguing


Voyage (To The Centre of Your Heart)

Sailing to America from the west
With nothing else than a journal and a pen
Travelling West to the Great Plains
To ponder on love
Is your heart still vast and true?

Offer me your delicacy, revive the dream
And I’ll offer you much more you oughtta take
Treasure of mine treasure of yours
You’re a gift I gotta cherish
May I take you down to the sea?

Sailing from America to the west
With nothing more than a notecase and a pen
Sailing to a higher country above
The best is yet to come
You oughtta know

Meet me at the crossroads near Kartoum
Or wherever you may feel we’ll make it through
Treasure of mine treasure of yours
You’re a gift I gotta cherish
May I take you down to the sea?

Let’s sail away
Sail away
Sail with me





World Gone Daft

Politicians talk
They’ll always do
While armed forces break doors to churches
If the hymn of the moment
Read ‘only tell the truth’
Well I doubt anyone would fall for it

Don’t talk to me about a post 9-11 world
Is it a world of war and fury?
Well exactly like it’s always been
Censors preventing the early stages of a brawl
While herds gather outside malls
And kill each other for a rug

Well I heard you laugh
To something that made me cry
How can we possibly make it
With no line to what’s good and bad
With power to the upstarts
This world gone daft would better stop
While terrorists hit harder every day
Police shoot dead without warning

Everything’s spiralling
Going downwards
And I can’t cry
Cause my heart is made of stone

Who will save us?



We talk so low
You whisper in my ear
By fear of getting caught for what we think
This city’s like a hole
That’s swallowing us all
Can’t stop this mean machine
From destroying my dreams

Black birds gather high
Under cold grey heavy skies
Circling all around in a sea of sound

And I know
No one ever left this city alive or free
Though I get fragments of pictures
When I close my eyes
Of grass and trees

I had a dream last night
Animals were still alive
We’d gotten rid of the chip under our skins
We were dancing and laughing
Talking and feeling

And I know
No one ever left this city alive or free
Though I’m sure the sun is shining out there
Beyond the rocks, the desert
There’s trees

And I want to leave

Here we are
Prisoners of a city that never thinks
Of a city that never dreams


466 64

This is a story about faith and forgiveness
Where nothing’s cool, nothing’s flashy
Just the ordinary
A simple story of truth and perseverance
An endless quest for what is right
The end of innocence

Out there somewhere in the night
There’s someone praying
Counting days before the odds stop interfering
Though the odds are nothing more
Than human vileness
Is it something to live with
Or try and alter

For wanting what is fair

This is a brutal testimony of dishonesty
A long exhausting string of unreal charges
Let accusers now be trialled by defendants
A guilty conscience’s not enough
For 28 years chained

For wanting what is fair


Force Feeding

Tired and so abused
So confused
So unlikely keen on being rewarded
I won’t follow you
In your meaningless cruise
Conform to silly tricks and manoeuvres
Governing Man’s way
I won’t swallow my pride
Once again
Or subscribe to your cowardice
When it’s all going
In false feelings
And Force-feeding
Buy this, try that
Or be a drop-out
Join in, acquiesce
Or be alone forever
There’s no other way you should think
Be part of the cattle
We’ll bring you happiness

I won’t swallow my pride
Once again
Or subscribe to your cowardice
When it’s all going
In false feelings
And Force-feeding

(Ikea, Britney, Nike, Coca Cola, Mc Donald’s, Visa, Microsoft, Wall Mart, iPod, Google, Star Wars, AOL, Benz, Diesel, Calvin Klein, Prada, Kleenex)


Politics & Religions

Don’t talk to me about the power of politics & religions
They brought more fear and devastation than safety and salvation
Your call for freedom lies in the hands of plutocrats and politicasters
While holy masses turn into misologists lost in their own grammar
The pulse is sown

I’ve lost the meaning of faith, righteousness, humility and devotion
By contemplating this world through the eye of the adamists and the Christians
I can’t believe in a sovereign overwealthy institution
Who gradually rewrote the scriptures and distorted the original message

The soul’s drying out, ancient feuds are exhumed and revived
Who wants to hear both sides of the story
When the stronger always win the fight
Chopped heads are back at the top of the world
After 200 years in hiding
And it feels too painful to start again from scratch

I hear them march, I hear them calling out, ghosts in wigs are coming back from the past, I hear their mourning, the frock sweeping the ground, inquisition times return right before my eyes, and I’m paralysed

The thirst for power will not leave space for irony or true candour
While dogs of the world are being appointed to tell us where to gather
A flying spree of looting and violence to preach peace and loving
Surprisingly leading to a backfire from an ungrateful nation

The soul’s drying out, ancient feuds are exhumed and revived
Who wants to hear both sides of the story
When the stronger always win the fight
Chopped heads are back at the top of the world
After 200 years in hiding
And it feels too painful to start again from scratch

I hear them march, I hear them calling out, ghosts in wigs are coming back from the past, I hear their mourning, the frock sweeping the ground, inquisition times return right before my eyes, and I’m paralysed



Jody, you were the first of this line
I couldn’t kiss you when we were nine
I was just too young and shy
Jenny, you wanted a love of your kind
I couldn’t fit your criterias
You cared about others too much

And it shakes the spirit
It grows to the dance
Sticks to that idea of romance

Abby, the first to arouse my desire
My body language could not lie
You’re haunting my dreams and nights
Amy, I really believed you were mine
You couldn’t commit and found your way out
And vanished into the air
I never heard of you again

And it shakes the spirit
It grows to the dance
Sticks to that idea of romance

Annie, you broke my heart so bad
I couldn’t even remember my name
Or who I am
Ellie, we were so perfectly bound
I cannot remember why we went down
Sorrow and regrets abound
If we could just go back in time

And it shakes the spirit
It grows to the dance
Sticks to that idea of romance


Nature On The Run

There’s a shiver when the wind blows
It’s pulling me away
When I feel too insecure
I reach your arms in dream and I am breathing

It’s getting dark in here my friend
The sky’s black, the sun’s disappearing
Walls shaking
No need to worry
We’re in the hands of nature once again

Seasons reversing, colours changing
Temperature rising
Or falling in a matter of hours
Empires built in haste in the sand
Nature is profitless, nature moves
Nature’s not static
Reacting to our course of actions
Without mercy, the balance is on the run

Feel the rain, it’s tasting acid
It’s greenish and putrid
Let’s be brave
We forecast and study
But nature will win again

Now the storm is moving fast towards us
Clouds gathering
They look heavier than stones
The trees are bending
Will we make it or lose it?

Drink from the water and spit
Ground water’s toxic
The atoll bombs blown without warning
In the hands of human nature once again

Feel the rain, it’s tasting acid
Let’s be brave
We forecast and study
But nature will win again
Hear the rage
This earth is angry, it turned against us
Bids will fail
We’ve gone too far
And nature’s on the run again


Media Stupid Fella

Humiliation sells
Let’s put this picture on the cover
Add a shocking legend
True or false, whatever
Our mission is to kick the famous for the better
Incite insurrection
Violent behaviour
We track the witches
We denounce faux pas
Of who’ve been given a public aura
Stupid fella
We’ll sort out what’s important for you, don’t bother
We’ll forge your point of view
Make it spectacular
The eye of criticism won’t live any longer
We work closely with politics
Just to make you feel safer

Sell your life, make it worthy
We’ll make your drama entertaining
From ruined lives we’ll make epic stories
The zoo to bring you a glimpse
Of who’s being happy
Media, stupid fella

Sell your life, join the party, we’re quite a few million idiots, it’s kinda funny
You’ll learn how to smile in a constrained manner
We’ll tell you how to swiftly climb the social ladder
We’ll mirror your fears, amplify them for real
We’ll make you feel a whole spectrum of feelings
There won’t be no more break or just the odd ad in
24 hrs of bullshit, dripping in your veins



Like running a race, feeling disgraced
Everyone putting up to your face
Leading the pace, filling the space
Lost in every inch and corner of that maze
Gasping for air, no one to care
Whether you live or die
Is all up to yourself

Walking away, day after day
Feeling a bitter pain in your chest
You’d like to connect
With people you’ve met
But everyone’s selfish and full of shit
You run into bed, lay there for days
No one will ever save you from boredom
It’s in your genes

The sun is scoffing back at your face
And it’s so damn cruel
The ground slipping away from your feet
That is so uncool

Waking up dead, tired from your sleep
Looking for various ways to come clean
The TV is blank, you’re dizzy and sick
Will something good come out of this boredom?
A light in the filth
A glimmer of faith
Anything extra-ordinary
Will do and give you a chance

The sun is scoffing back at your face
And it’s so damn cruel
The ground slipping away from your feet
That is so uncool
The same stupid faces every day
So small and useless
A change to this world is necessary
To make us whole and new

Locked up in boredom
We are doomed


The Show Is Over

The show is over
Everything’s been said, everything’s been done
Rewind and repeat the whole story, recycle the wastes and pray
The show is over
Change the layout, keep the meaning
Pass your way
There’s nothing left to see in here
The show is over
The agonizing beast will try to keep you watching
Turn your eyes away
Don’t listen to the sirens
The show is over
Murdered by a lack of jeopardy
Figures aligned monthly in black books
The show is over
And it takes time to realize the scope of the disaster
Sound the alarm and run for your life
The show is over
And it’s a whole genration wasted by the hour
Turn the light off
Kill the spark
The show is over

The show is over
The mirror hung crooked
Admiring your feet
You start to think
What have I done for me lately
The show is over
Shallow and selfish
Biting its tail
And you want more of this never ending feeling
The show is over

The show is over
Give me your hand
We’ll stand on this crumbling wall
And watch the sunset on the horizon
The show is over
People mourning the loss of their cherished nation
But there’s no salvation in claustrophobia
The show is over
The ruins erected as a proud replica
Of the best screening ever shown to date
The show is over
And somewhere there’s a man in the middle
Who knows more than others
What’s going on here
The show is over
Face the truth and live your life to the best
Forget all notions of what’s hip or lame
The show is over
Music is dead
Killed by businessmen
In 3 piece suits who know better than you
The show is over
Roam around for a while and leave this town
Buy a farm and switch your head off clear
The show is over

Round and round and round and round and round and
Over and over again